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DOCUMENTOS - Encontrados 1386 registros con el término buscado

The effects of (R)-(+)-limonene inhalation on the elevated plus-maze behaviour in mice

Almeida RN, Lima NGPB, Montes GC, Salgado PRR , Sousa DP, Monte OL, Morais LCSL, Diniz MFFM, Leite JR, Mattei R

The protective effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. in the prefrontal cortex and short term memory in rats with hepatic damage induced by CCl4

Pérez-Vega MI, Soria-Fregozo C, Martínez-Rodríguez RJ, Flores-Soto ME, Miranda-Beltran ML, Huacuja-Ruiz L